David Rincon

David Rincon

Jueves, 19 Noviembre 2015 00:00



El sistema para la realización de forjados sanitarios monoliticos ventilados

MODULO es el encofrado perdido para la construcción de forjados sanitarios ventilados que proporcionan una barrera física de protección y aislamiento térmico entre el suelo y el edificio.
Las soleras ventiladas permiten la eliminación de la humedad del suelo y la dispersión del gas radón en la atmósfera.



GEOBLOCK es el producto que permite ahorros y seguridad en la realización de una fundación ventilada.Permite el hormigonado al mismo tiempo de las vigas de fundación y de la losa, con grandes ahorros de tiempo para la mano de obra. Además, una fundación monolítica permite obtener ventajas técnicas de seguridad y estabilidad.


FERMAGETTO es el elemento que bloquea la infiltración de hormigón en la crujía. Es disponible para las alturas de MODULO de 13 a 40 cm.El uso combinado de MODULO con GEOBLOCK y FERMAGETTO permite soluciones constructivas económicas y de gran valor técnico.

MODULO- Esquema de isntalación



MODULO es transitable durante la instalación?

Si, es transitable según las indicaciones. Sólo con temperaturas superiores a 30° C se aconseja más prudencia.

Cómo se instalan los tubos de ventilación?

No existen cálculos o prescricciones específicas sobre la frequencia de instalación de los tubos. Para obtener una ventilación eficaz es importante asegurar el tiro natural, con una diferencia de altura lo más acentuada posible entre norte y sur y una gran superficie de ventilación. El Departamento Técnico Geoplast proporciona consejos y asistencia durante la fase de diseño e instalación del sistema.

Jueves, 19 Noviembre 2015 15:59

Green Building Council

Geoplast S.p.A., empresa líder en el diseño y fabricación de productos para la construcción sostenible, los encofrados, el verde, el tratamiento de aguas, el deporte y el medio ambiente, es socio ordinario del Green Building Council Italia.

El Green Building Council Italia es una asociación de empresas, despachos profesionales asociados, administraciones públicas, universidades, asociaciones, institutos y centros, basada en el consenso y en la valoración de la integración entre competencias técnicas científicas y competencias operativas, que persigue, mediante el desarrollo y adaptación de LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), a la realidad italiana, el objetivo de transformar el mercado para que los "edificios verdes" - edificios con bajo impacto medioambiental - pasen a ser habituales y se acepten como factor radicado en la sociedad.

Cada vez más estudios de diseño, ingenieros, arquitectos, gerentes de servicios de mantenimiento, diseñadores de interiores, paisajistas, urbanistas, empresas de construcción, instituciones financieras y administraciones públicas de todo el mundo utilizan LEED para contribuir a la sostenibilidad medioambiental mediante prácticas innovadoras y de excelencia. LEED es un punto de referencia esencial para todas las empresas que pretenden operar en el mercado global.

Por ello Geoplast S.p.A.ha decidido compartir la filosofía y los fines del GBC Italia, junto a otras empresas excelentes del mercado italiano.

Todos los miembros del GBC Italia son líderes activos que se comprometen en primera persona, en sus respectivos ámbitos, a operar para desarrollar y proponer productos y edificios sostenibles de perfil alto y ofrecer una extensa cartera de servicios para responder a las diferentes necesidades

de la actividad inmobiliaria, coherentes con las políticas de sostenibilidad y caracterizados por un servicio de calidad superior para los clientes.

Además de ello, los participantes favorecen un crecimiento continuo de las competencias de la industria de la construcción en su conjunto, mejorando los criterios de rendimiento de LEED Italia y promoviendo las ventajas tangibles e intangibles de los "edificios verdes" durante todo el ciclo de vida de los mismos, incluyendo los beneficios medioambientales, económicos y sociales.

Con esta importante afiliación, Geoplast S.p.A. se muestra una vez más implicada en las cuestiones relativas a la construcción sostenible y al respeto al medio ambiente. Valores fuertes que estimulan a la Dirección de la empresa e impulsan al estudio y fabricación de productos innovadores para construir de manera eficiente con la mirada puesta en el bienestar de las personas.



Una construcción ecocompatible Geoplast se construye desde los cimientos: con MODULO SYSTEM, MINIMODULO y NUEVO ELEVETOR se realiza una cimentación ventilada y monolítica que elimina la humedad ascendente y el gas radón los cuales, de forma totalmente natural, tienden a subir desde el suelo y a entrar en contacto con el hombre, concentrándose sobre todo en los pisos bajos de los edificios.

Ambos elementos son nocivos, el segundo incluso mortal si inhalado durante largos periodos. Una fundación monolítica, por su parte, garantiza la solidez estructural eliminando el problema de los agrietamientos. Utilizando DEFENDER se obtiene el total aislamiento de los muros contraterreno, para ambientes secos y salubres.

Todos los muros y las columnas de hormigón se pueden realizar con los sistemas GEOTUB, GEOTUB PANEL, GEOPANEL y GEOPANEL STAR mientras los forjados se construyen con GEOSKY (con desencofrado anticipado), SKYRAIL (unidireccionales aligerados), SKYDOME (bidireccionales para grandes luces) y AIRPLAST (bidireccionales aligerados) utilizando siempre encofrados de plásticos de alta resistencia, contribuyendo así a reducir el uso de la madera en la construcción, contribuyendo a la reducción del fenómeno de la deforestación. GEOPANEL ART es el sistema ideal para la realización de muros decorados, que pueden ser dejados expuestos.

Una vez llegados al techo, con DRAINROOF es posible realizar una terraza ajardinada, devolviendo al medio ambiente el verde que le ha sido arrebatado y, al mismo tiempo, obtener un recubrimiento más fresco en verano y más cálido en invierno.

Vivir de forma sana no significa sin embargo permanecer encerrados entre las paredes, sino disfrutar de áreas verdes utilizables. Realizando áreas verdes transitables y aparcamientos encespados con SALVAVERDE, GEOFLOR, RUNFLOOR GREEN se podrá transitar y aparcar tranquilamente sobre una zona verde que de lo contrario habría sido un intocable o delicado parterre o, peor, una negra extensión de asfalto.

¿Y para paredes verdes verticales? Ecco WALL-Y, la rejilla de polietileno de alta densidad para unas maravillosas paredes vegetales. Para la acumulación y la recogida de las aguas pluviales se pueden construir depósitos de acumulación y de drenaje enterrados con el sistema DRENING y NUEVO ELEVETOR TANK, que permiten eliminar las aguas estancadas, fuentes de olor y de mosquitos.

Para los momentos de ocio y diversión está GRIPPER, la superficie deportiva polivalente; mientras, para un sano relax, un bonito pavimento drenante realizado con PLASTONELLA. BIOMODULO, por último, se revelará como el producto ideal para sistemas de difusión de aire para instalaciones de desodorización y compostaje.

Jueves, 19 Noviembre 2015 15:59

Condiciones de venta

Condiciones de venta

Art. 1 - General
1.1 These Sales Conditions shall apply to all requests for proposals, Offers, Orders, Contracts and other legal relationships between Geoplast and Customer which concern the supply and delivery of Products and / or Services by Geoplast. These General Sales Conditions shall be applicable in so far as in a specific agreement itself it is not expressly stipulated otherwise in writing.

1.2 If upon acceptance of the Offer or otherwise Customer declares its general conditions applicable, the reference to these GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS contained in Geoplast's Offer shall be seen as the only reference made and these GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS shall be applicable. The GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS of Customer shall not be applicable.

1.3 In the event Customer has once entered into an agreement or other legal relationship with Geoplast, to which these GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS apply, Customer shall be considered to have tacitly and irrevocably agreed to the applicability of these GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS to future agreements or other legal relationships with Geoplast.

1.4 Unless otherwise mentioned in the Offer, the Offer shall be valid for a period of thirty (30) days.
Art. 2 - Contracts
2.1 Offers of Geoplast are non-binding.

2.2 Any Contract for Product or Services must be received by Geoplast in written form (fax, letter or e-mail). Orders placed by phone or in person by Customer must be confirmed in writing by Geoplast before they are considered valid and accepted.

2.3 Should there be any differences in the single items of Geoplast's order confirmation with respect to the Contract or Order, the Customer who has not made a claim by fax or e-mail within twenty-four (24) working hours from receipt of said order confirmation shall be obliged to accept the acknowledgment as it is. Should there be any differences in the offer or order, Geoplast's order confirmation is to be considered the only valid document.

2.4 Partial processing of the order without Geoplast's previous order confirmation does not mean that the complete order was approved by Geoplast, but is rather as a partial confirmation relative to the Products and / or Services delivered. In such a case, reception of the Product or performance of the Service shall be equivalent to acceptance on the part of Customer of the new contractual provisions.

2.5 Customer's orders are firm and definitive and may not be cancelled following their acceptance by Geoplast, without agreement in writing by Geoplast.

2.6 Geoplast furnishes application-related advice, such as, but not exclusively, free technical advice and design, Product utilisation drawings, to the best of its knowledge. Any statements or representations Geoplast may make with regard to the use of its products and their fitness for a particular purpose shall not relieve Customer of its obligation to conduct and perform its own calculations, designs, tests and experiments to establish the size, amount and the fitness of the Product for any intended use or purpose.

2.7 Geoplast shall not be held responsible for any Product quantity discrepancy (lack or surplus) between the Contract and actual physical requirement at any Customer location, plant or job site. No Product shall be returned by Customer and reimbursed by Geoplast, unless Geoplast has given written agreement. In the case a greater quantity of Product is required by Customer than mentioned in the Contract, the difference will be subject to a new Contract.

2.8 Contractual requirements applying to the Product of Geoplast are defined in relevant Product descriptions. Nevertheless, such statements regarding the quality of a Product do not imply any warranty per se. Any warranties made by Geoplast must be expressly laid down in writing.
Art. 3 - Price and payment
3.1 All Products and Services are sold and all prices are quoted Ex Works (EXW) (place mentioned in the Contract) in accordance with Incoterms 2000, unless otherwise stated in the Offer or the Contract.

3.2 The prices are exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise mentioned in the Offer or the Contract. The prices of Products do not include Services (such as on-site support, advising and consulting) unless otherwise explicitly stated in the Offer or the Contract.

3.3 Prices are quoted and payments shall be made in Euro unless stated otherwise in the Contract.

3.4 Geoplast's pricelists may be changed without notice whenever required by new laws and regulations, or technical reasons.

3.5 All payments shall be made by Customer to Geoplast in accordance with the payment terms mentioned in the Contract. In the absence of the payment terms in the Contract, invoicing and payment of the Products shall take place by bank transfer before the delivery thereof and invoicing and payment of the Service shall take place upon performance thereof.

3.6 No exception, save that of nullity, possibility of annulment, or rescission of the contract, can be posed by the purchaser with the purpose of delaying or avoiding payment.

3.7 In the event of overdue payment Geoplast shall have the right to levy interest equal to the most recent yearly overdue interest rate specified by the Italian Gazzetta Ufficiale as per the date of payment, and Geoplast shall furthermore have the right to demand payment of all its costs incurred to collect the payment with an amount of at least 12% (twelve percent) of the total overdue amount.

3.8 Whenever Customer fails to meet its obligations resulting from previous claims for payment, or whenever part payments from such claims are overdue, Geoplast shall be entitled to suspend delivery of any Product and/or Service to Customer, even if not related to these obligations. Any payments already received by Geoplast will be withheld as penalty; Geoplast's right to claim further damages will remain unaffected thereby.

3.9 Geoplast has the right to compensate all of its claims for payment against Customer with claims for payment from Customer against Geoplast even if such claims are not related.

3.10 Each Party shall be responsible and liable for any and all taxes and social premiums related to employees or other persons involved by the respective Party in execution of the Contract and the Parties shall hold each other harmless for claims regarding such taxes and social premiums.
Art. 4 - Documentation
4.1 Unless otherwise mentioned in the Contract, the Documentation shall be supplied in English and in Geoplast's standard format.

4.2 Where it is found that any part of the Documentation supplied is incomplete and/or incorrect, the Party discovering such deficiency shall notify the other Party and Geoplast shall promptly complete and/or correct such part of the Documentation and Geoplast's liability of the Documentation being incomplete or incorrect is limited to such rectification.
Art. 5 - Title and risk, transportation, storage and insurance
5.1 Products or Documentation are always considered as sold, received and accepted at Geoplast's premises: all risk of loss and damage thereof shall pass to the Customer upon delivery in accordance to the delivery term Ex Works (EXW) Incoterms 2000 (place mentioned in the Contract). Any possible reserves must immediately be registered on the bill of lading, or be sent to the hauler by registered post with notification of receipt at latest within 48 hours following the delivery.

5.2 The Products shall remain property of Geoplast until Geoplast has received full payment in accordance with the Contract, and title to and ownership of the Products shall pass to Customer upon receipt by Geoplast of such payment.

5.3 Customer shall exercise due care in storing any Product in which Geoplast retains a security interest, and insure such Product against loss and damage at its own expense. Customer hereby assigns to Geoplast any future claims it may have under such insurance policies. Geoplast hereby accepts this assignment.
Art. 6 - Delays
6.1 If Geoplast at any time has reason to believe that the performance of its obligations will be delayed, Geoplast shall promptly notify Customer and shall subsequently define in writing the estimated period of delay.

6.2 Circumstances outside of Geoplast's control, including but not limited to circumstances which are attributable to Customer such as delay in payment or delay of any of Customer's undertakings causing Geoplast a delay, shall entitle Geoplast to postpone any of its undertakings to such extent as is reasonable. For delays attributable to Customer, Geoplast shall be reimbursed for its costs.
Art. 7 - Warranties
7.1 Customer is deemed to have received the Product or supplied under the Contract in good condition and complete of all parts, accessories and Documentation required by the Contract. Geoplast shall repair, replace or refund, at Geoplast's option, any part of the Product not to be in conformity with the Specifications by reason of defective material, design or workmanship, provided that the Customer notifies Geoplast, on pain of forfeiture of the warranty stipulated above, within: a) a preclusive time limit of eight (8) days after delivery for obvious defects shall be notified; b) the time limit of three (3) days after discovery for hidden defects. Such notifications shall include a description of the defect, which must be as detailed as possible. Complaints lodged in person or by telephone shall be supplemented within eight (8) days by detailed explanations in writing. This does not include on-site support.

7.2 Any warranty, shall apply only if: a) the Products are used and maintained under normal conditions and in accordance with the Documentation, information and advice furnished by Geoplast; b) the Products are not modified or changed without the written approval of Geoplast; c) Customer, without undue delay, has given Geoplast notice of such defects, non-conformities or deviations before the expiration of the applicable warranty period; d) such defect, non-conformity or deviation was not caused by interworking or interoperable equipment or other products not supplied under the Contract; e) such defect, non-conformity or deviation was not caused by abuse, misapplication or external influences; f) Customer has given Geoplast every opportunity to inspect and remedy such defect, non-conformity or deviation; g) Customer has withheld from using, applying, or processing defective Product after discovery of a defect. Customer shall store such Product carefully in a safe place, and shall not be entitled to claim compensation for storage and other costs. Normal wear and tear of Product is excluded from the scope of this guarantee. Such repairs or replacements or refunds of the Product shall be made without undue delay from the date Customer has provided Geoplast with a complete request related thereto and Geoplast has accepted such request in writing. Any repaired or replaced Product will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period which shall not be extended.

7.3 Geoplast must authorise all returns of equipment for repair or replacement. Transportation cost and risk of loss incurred with respect to the repair and/or replacement of defective goods shall be borne by Customer, unless otherwise agreed.

7.4 The warranties given above constitute the only warranties made by Geoplast with respect to the Products and are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Art. 8 - ........
Indemnification for employee negligence Geoplast and Customer agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless from and against all damage or injury (including death) to property or person resulting from the intentional or negligent acts or omissions from their respective officers, employees, agents, Geoplast or subcontractors, in connection with the performance of the Contract.
Art. 9 - General limitation of liability
9.1 Except as expressly provided in this Article 9 or elsewhere in the Contract neither Party shall in any event be liable to the other Party under the Contract for loss of production, loss of use, loss of business, loss of data or revenue or for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, whether or not the possibility of such damages could have been reasonably foreseen.

9.2 Neither party shall in any event be liable to the other Party for damages exceeding 5% (five percent) of the Contract price per event, where a series of related events are deemed to be one event, and a total aggregate maximum of 25% (twenty-five percent) of the Contract price.

9.3 The limitation of liability provided for in Article 9.1 and 9.2 shall not apply with respect to damages related to a breach of the obligations under Article 12, Confidentiality.

9.4 No action, regardless of form, arising out of any alleged breach of the Contract or obligations under the Contract may be brought by either of the parts more than two (2) years after the cause of action has occurred.

9.5 A party suffering loss or damages shall take reasonable measures to limit such loss or damage.
Art. 10 - Modification of contract
No addition or modification of the Contract shall be effective or binding on Geoplast unless agreed in writing and executed by a duly authorised representative of Geoplast.
Art. 11 - Force majeure (reliefs)
11.1 Either Party shall be excused from the performance of any of its obligations under the Contract and such obligations shall be extended by a period reasonable under the circumstances if the performance thereof is prevented or delayed by industrial disputes or any cause beyond the affected Party's reasonable control which, without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall include acts of God, riots, wars, accidents, embargo or requisition (acts of government), including non-availability of an export licence for the Products or any part thereof or visa and permits for Geoplast's personnel, or delays in the performance of its subcontractors caused by any such circumstances as referred in this article 11.

11.2 The right of relief shall apply irrespective of whether the cause of prevention or delay occurs before or after the agreed due time for such obligations.

11.3 In case of force majeure, the affected Party shall promptly notify the other Party in writing and furnish all relevant information thereto.

11.4 Should a cause of force majeure continue for more than 3 (three) months, either Party shall then have the right to terminate the Contract.
Art. 12 - Confidentiality
12.1 For the purpose of this Article, Confidential Information is defined as information specifically designated as confidential at the time of disclosure or by nature obviously confidential or proprietary, such as trade secrets and designs.

12.2 Except as provided below in this Article 12, the receiving Party of confidential information agrees to treat the same as strictly confidential and shall not divulge, directly or indirectly, to any other person, firm, corporation, association or entity, for any purpose whatsoever, confidential information so received, and shall not make use of or copy such confidential information, except for the purpose of the Contract. Such confidential information may be disclosed only to such of the employees, consultants and subcontractors of the receiving Party who reasonably require access to such information for the purpose for which it was disclosed and who have secrecy obligations to the receiving Party. This commitment shall impose no obligation upon either Party with respect to any portion of such information that: a) was known to the receiving Party prior to its receipt from the other Party; b) is known or which (through no act of failure on the part of the receiving Party) becomes generally known; c) is supplied to receiving Party by a third party which the receiving Party in good faith believes is free to make such disclosure and without restriction on disclosure; d) is disclosed by the disclosing Party to a third party generally, without restriction on disclosure; e) is independently developed by the receiving Party without use of any confidential information provided by the disclosing Party.

12.3 Customer and Geoplast agree that each others trade secrets are proprietary and confidential. Customer agrees that the contents of the Offer and the Contract are confidential.

12.4 Unless otherwise agreed, Geoplast shall have the right to use Customer as a reference.

12.5 The obligation of confidentiality set out in this article 12 shall survive the termination or expiration of the Contract for a period of five (5) years.
Art. 13 - Export regulations
Customer is informed that sale and delivery of (parts of) the Products in an export situation may be subject to export regulations, e.g. Italy and/or the European Union. Customer shall hold Geoplast harmless of any and all claims which relate to infringement by Customer of such regulations.
Art. 14 - Entire contract
The Contract sets forth and shall constitute the entire agreement between Customer and Geoplast with respect of the subject matter thereof, and shall supersede any and all prior agreements, understandings, promises and representations made by one Party to the other concerning the subject matter of the Contract.
Art. 15 - Assignment
Neither Party shall have the right to assign the Contract or any right herein without the prior written consent of the other Party.
Art. 16 - Governing law
The Contract and all other rights and obligations between Customer and Geoplast shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Italy.
Art. 17 - Disputes
All disputes, differences or questions between the Parties with respect to any matter arising out of or relating to the Contract or other rights and obligations between Customer and Geoplast which cannot be settled in an amicable manner, shall be settled by the competent court in Padova, Italy.
Art. 18 - Definitions
The following expression shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them unless the context would obviously require otherwise. Contract: the Contract concluded between Customer and Geoplast, either by acceptance of the Offer by Customer or otherwise. Until the Contract has been concluded between the Parties, the word "Contract" used in these General Sales Conditions shall mean the Offer. Contract Effective Date: the date upon which the Contract comes in force. Customer: the party to whom Geoplast has made an Offer or from whom Geoplast has received an order, or with whom Geoplast has otherwise entered into a relationship wherein Geoplast is the suppler of Products and / or Services and legal successors in title to the Customer and any assignee of the Customer approved by Geoplast. Documentation: the documentation specified in the contract. Geoplast: Geoplast S.p.A. Installation: the installation of the Products to be performed in accordance with the Contract. Intellectual Property Rights: copyrights, patents, drawing and model rights, tradenames, trademarks, and all other intellectual property rights. Offer: the offer or price list made by Geoplast to Customer. Parties: Customer and Geoplast collectively. Products: all goods, Software, Documentation and works that have been or will be supplied from Geoplast to Customer. Service(s): the services from Geoplast to Customer specified in the Contract or pursuant thereto, such as – if applicable – consulting, Installation, maintenance and training. Software: any computer program or software module as specified in the Contract. Specifications: the technical and functional specifications of the Products as specified in the Contract or in the standard documentation of Geoplast. Territory: as defined in the Contract. Words indicating the singular also include the plural and vice versa, where the context so requires. The headings of the Articles are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

Jueves, 19 Noviembre 2015 15:58

Condiciones de uso

Condiciones de uso

Terms of use of the website "www.geoplast.it"

Copyright © GEOPLAST S.p.A. All rights reserved.
All the texts, graphs, images, videos and animations are subject to the set of laws regarding copyright together with the other laws in force for the protection of intellectual property so they cannot be copied for commercial purposes or for reproduction, neither may they be modified nor used by other web sites.
Some of the web pages of GEOPLAST S.p.A. may contain material subject to the copyright of those that have made it available.

Products and prices
Variations may have occurred after the editing works of some pages were concluded. Therefore, the data regarding availability, finishes, outer appearance, dimensions and price, etc. are to be considered merely indicative. The pictures may even illustrate accessories upon request that are not part of the supply in series. The colors may vary due to technical aspects. The statement of prices of basic supplies, dispositions and legal, juridical and fiscal consequences are to be considered valid solely for the Italian Republic. For our dealers, the retail prices are to be considered as suggested and not binding. For further updated information regarding the subject, contact our authorized Dealers.

Registered trademarks
If not diversely indicated, all the trademarks mentioned on the GEOPLAST S.p.A. web pages are legally protected along with the names of the models and all of the company's logos and symbols.

License right
We hope you have appreciated GEOPLAST's creative setting and desire to offer an innovative Internet program featuring abundant information. However, we hope you understand that GEOPLAST s.p.a must protect its intellectual property along with the patents, registered trademarks and copyrights and that the web pages do not grant any whatsoever right on the intellectual property of the GEOPLAST S.p.A.

The information and indication featured in these pages do not represent any sort of expressed or tacit liability or guarantee. In particular, the aforementioned do not represent a tacit promise or guarantee related to the composition, commercial capacity and suitability for certain purposes or for the non-violation of laws or patents. You may find links to other sites of the web on our internet pages. We therefore want to point out that the Company does not have any influence on the configuration or contents of the pages connected by links and do not guarantee the up-to-datedness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information contained. This is the reason why the Company keeps a distance from all the contents of said pages. This statement is true for all the links that appear on our web pages that connect to other sites along with the related contents.

© 2010 GEOPLAST S.p.A.

Jueves, 19 Noviembre 2015 14:52


Jueves, 19 Noviembre 2015 13:39




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Via Martiri della Libertà 7 35010 Grantorto (PD) Italia

Miércoles, 18 Noviembre 2015 19:27




Calidad de la vida


Geoplast diseña y desarolla más de 30 productos organizados en 7 categorías y en 7 grupos de soluciones. Nuestro productos y soluciones se utilizan en todo el mundo, para desarollar una grande cantidad de obras, de puentes a aparcamientos, de edifcios universitarios a hogares privados. Los que conecete esta grande y increible variedad de innovaciones, producciones y evoluciones son nuestros principios básicos de design.

Geoplast Design es un conjunto de principios que todos nuestro colaboradores respectan y que guían la manera en la que nuestro productos y soluciones se crean y utilizan.

Los principios del Design Geoplast establecen que los productos y las soluciones de Geoplast deban mejorar la calidad y la eficiencia en tres ámbitos:
1) Construcción - como se diseñan y se hacen las construcciones,
2) Calidad de la vida - como se utlizan las construcciones y como viven las personas,
3) Ambiente - como las contrucciones afectan el medio ambiente.

Para cada sección respondemos a las preguntas siguientes:

- ¿Los medios se utilizaron de la manera más eficiente?
- ¿Hemos permitido la completa creatividad de los arquitectos y de los ingenieros?
- ¿Hemos garantizado seguridad y eficiencia a todos los collaboradores que han trabajado en cada proyecto?

Calidad de la vida
- ¿Hemos ofrecido un ambiente seguro y saludable?
- ¿Hemos ofrecido un ambiente creativio y eficiente?
- ¿Hemos garantizado la satisfacción de todas las necesidades de los usuarios del las construcciones?

- ¿Las producción de nuestros productos contribuye a mejorar el medio ambiente?
- ¿El utilizo de nuestros productos mejora el medio ambiente?
- ¿Las construcciones que hemos hecho mejoran el medio ambiente?

Cada producto y cada solución se evaluatan cuidadosamente según los principios antedichos y cada collaboradores nuestro entiende, cree y apoya estos principios.

Creemos que nuestros productos no son solo productos, sino también una expresión de nuestra creencia que puede generar un impacto positivo en la manera en la que las cosas se hacen, se utilizan y se transmiten.

Miércoles, 18 Noviembre 2015 15:57

Utilizacion Doméstica


Adoptar en las viviendas un sistema de recogida de las aguas pluviales puede ser una buena práctica para el ahorro de agua potable cuando no sea estrictamente necesaria (riego, cisterna de los servicios, lavadora, etc.).


Sistema de desagues y recogida del agua de lluvia y vaciado de las aguas residuales

Nuevo Elevetor Tank

Tanques de recogida del agua de lluvia en hormigón armado


Con DRENING se pueden realizar tanques subterráneos de almacenamiento que permiten recuperar y utilizar el agua cuando el agua potable no sea estrictamente necesaria (aseos, riego, etc.). La estructura modular y la alta capacidad de DRENING permiten construir un sistema mínimamente invasivo, que se puede instalar sin problemas en las zonas ajardinadas o pavimentadas, aprovechando el espacio disponible. Con NUEVO ELEVETOR TANK, en cambio, se puede crear un tanque de almacenamiento en hormigón aligerado, de altura variable, con el fin de garantizar una buena reserva de agua en un espacio limitado. El sistema se instala en cualquier superficie, incluso en partes del edificio, y se puede personalizar con pozos o salas técnicas para alojar las bombas.


  • Alta resistencia mecánica
  • Versatilidad
  • Instalación rápida
  • Ahorro de agua
  • Alta capacidad de almacenamiento
  • Gestión sostenible del agua
Miércoles, 18 Noviembre 2015 15:54



Para regar eficientemente jardines o parques públicos se pueden crear sistemas que recogen y acumulan agua de lluvia drenada de los aparcamientos y las onas verdes con el fin de evitar el uso intensivo de agua potable y para una gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos.


Sistema de desagues y recogida del agua de lluvia y vaciado de las aguas residuales


Se puede utilizar DRENING para crear sistemas de riego subterráneos poco profundos que permiten recoger el agua de lluvia drenada de un aparcamiento, jardines o de la misma superficie en verde para utilizarla para alimentar el sistema. De esta manera se puede intervenir incluso en las zonas donde el acuifero está cerca del nivel del suelo, evitando los tanques y cisternas utilizados habitualmente y que requieren más profundidad en la instalación. La alta capacidad de almacenamiento de los elementos, en combinación con la modularidad del producto, permite crear sistemas con una gran acumulación de agua incluso debajo de superficies irregulares. DRENING es, por lo tanto, un sistema ideal para el uso sostenible de los recursos hídricos.


  • Alta resistencia mecánica
  • Versatilidad
  • Instalación poco profunda
  • Ahorro de agua
  • Alta capacidad de almacenamiento
Miércoles, 18 Noviembre 2015 15:46



Un sistema de extinción de incendios debe estar equipado con una reserva de agua que garantice un volumen mínimo para la fuente de alimentación del sistema en caso de emergencia. Una posible solución puede ser la de recuperar el agua de lluvia, almacenandola en un tanque de alta capacidad.

Nuevo Elevetor Tank

Tanques de recogida del agua de lluvia en hormigón armado


Con NUEVO ELEVETOR TANK es posible realizar un tanque subterráneo en hormigón aligerido de alta capacidad que permite la recogida del agua de lluvia para utilizarla como reserva contra incendios. El sistema se puede personalizar mediante la creación de un espacio técnico para alojar el grupo de bombeo del agua. La estructura del sistema conduce a una distribución excelente de las cargas aplicadas, que permite una reducción del espesor de la losa de cimentación y de la los superior en comparación con los sistemas tradicionales, garantizando al mismo tiempo una alta resistencia, incluso con vehículos pesados. NUEVO ELEVETOR TANK permite evitar el uso de elementos prefabricados, difíciles de manejar y insertar en muchos casos. Es una solución que permite utilizar de manera inteligente el agua drenada de la superficie.


  • Alta resistencia mecánica
  • Tamaño y forma personalizables
  • Ahorros de hormigón
  • Gestión sostenible del agua
  • Reducido gravamen superficial
  • Alta capacidad de almacenamiento
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